This section presents various categories used for the systematization of news from media monitoring. In each of the categories, data on the rights most frequently violated are shown.
Number of news items registered by each media monitored: La Prensa Gráfica, El Diario de Hoy, Diario CoLatino, Diario El Mundo, Diario El Salvador.
International agencies, social organizations, public and private institutions most used as a source of information by the media.
Profile of victims based on age, sex and sexual identity according to media monitoring.
Profile of aggressors or alleged aggressors based on age, sex and sexual identity according to media monitoring.
Most vulnerable population according to the selected theme.
Places where most human rights violations occur.
Instruments or means to commit violations to human rights.
Explanatory note: not all news provide information on gender and age, that is why the figures do not add up to the total.
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